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Steven Chriscole

Self Defence For All

Ladies or gents! You don't need to spend a fortune and 5 years of your life getting a black belt!

This fully illustrated book (over 200 photos) will guide you through learning firstly the most important principles of combat, through the use of 10 lessons with detailed and easy to follow lessons.


This book is the result of over 20 years of my own martial arts training. I've experienced the deep frustration of finding out that much of what I learned wasn't much use for self defence!


So I've picked out the common principles used in arts such as Karate, Aikido and Jujutsu and in this book, I teach them to you.


Buy the e-book, and then you will be able to download and print out the book in its entirety, completely FREE!


So all you need is a kick shield, a friend and a little space and you are good to go!


This course is ideal for the beginner and is especially useful for women. It takes you up to an intermediate level and encourages you to explore moves of your own. Learn the principles and you can then experiment and find the moves that work best for you.


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